Now You Can Afford Your Dream Home

So you’re thinking of selling your house and moving to that dream home?

But whenever you look on the web the properties that take your fancy seem to be just out of reach for your limited budget. The tempting solution is to put your own property on sale for more than it’s worth and hope that you strike lucky. NO!!!!!! This will not happen. Even if an uninformed buyer is daft enough to pay over the odds (which is highly unlikely in today’s market), their mortgage lender will refuse to lend against an overpriced property.

Here’s a secret tip. Lot’s of homes regularly sell for less than market value BUT rarely do properties sell for more than market value. So if you’re struggling to bridge the gap between what your home is worth and the price of your dream home then the solution is to sell your own place at market value and then to try and pick up a bargain.

And finding bargains is easier than you think. Look for properties that have been on sale for a long time. The owners will be getting anxious and may well be prepared to listen to offers. Also be prepared to look at the homes that all of the other buyers are ignoring. These may have issues that are putting people off,  but these may be solved quite easily and allow you to pick the property up at a bargain price.

Remember: no-one will pay more than market value but owners often sell for less than market value due to exceptional circumstances.


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George is Managing Director at Elizabeth Davenport Estate Agents. He enjoys writing this weekly blog and hopes that you enjoy reading it!!

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